“The most rewarding thing about this job is knowing that you are helping people
who are going abroad to help others.
— HealthLink360 Receptionist

Our Team


Office & Management


Nicki joined as managing director in June 2023. She brings with her a wealth of HR experience, having previously served as HR Director with Mission East. Prior to that, she led the HR team at Traidcraft Plc and Traidcraft Exchange.

Nicki Davies-Jones

Managing Director

Jane is our longest-serving staff member having joined HealthLink360 in 2004 as Book keeper before subsequently taking on the role of Office and Accounts Manager. She is responsible for much of the day to day running of the organisation, budgeting, monitoring financial transactions, troubleshooting IT issues and organising building repairs and equipment maintenance. She has recently been responsible for the building and installation of new software to increase our administrative efficiency and enable a paper-lite service.

Jane Wright

Accounts Officer & Office Coordinator

Nicole worked in an NHS GP surgery in Essex for 4 years; 1 year as a receptionist and then 3 years as an administrator.  She moved back home to Midlothian and worked as a support worker for the last 4 years before joining HealthLink360 in November 2024. Nicole really enjoys her administrative role and is glad to be back doing what she enjoys most.

Nicole Spence

Travel Clinic Administrator

Administrator Elaine joined us in June 2022. Having worked in Secondary Education for many years Elaine enjoyed a change of direction during the pandemic when she took on increased admin responsibilities. This encouraged her to seek a new challenge, transferring her educational admin skills to a clinical environment.

Elaine Smith


Ruth joined the team in March 2020. Her experience includes creating, implementing and managing PR and marketing campaigns for both the corporate and charity sector, which involves everything from copywriting and media relations to social media management.

Ruth Punna

Marketing and Communications Officer

Kamala joined the team in 2018 as our marketing and communications advisor. Her first assignment was to redesign our website, which was completed and launched in January 2019. With a background in media and the creative industries, her work as a freelance writer has covered documentary, drama, as well as websites and publications for charities, including the highly commended marketing campaign for Edinburgh-based trypraying.

Kamala Santos

Communications Officer

Travel Nurses


Lyn trained and worked in University College London Hospitals NHS Trust (UCLH) in a variety of specialities, including intensive care, progressing to a senior nurse role within the hospital. She then changed pathway to Midwifery in Birmingham which led her back to Scotland. Living in Aberdeen, she was introduced to the Oil and Gas industry and ended up working as an offshore medic for many years. This led to her interest and qualification in Occupational Health which developed over the years. Most recently she worked as Practice Nurse in East Lothian, before joining HealthLink360 in 2024.

Lyn Watson

Travel Nurse

RGN, Bachelor of Science with Hons in Midwifery, Bachelor of Science in Occupational Health

Jo completed her nurse education in Aberdeen in 1996. She initially worked in acute paediatrics and neonates but after gaining a qualification in paediatric intensive care nursing, she worked as a senior staff in the high dependency unit at Royal Aberdeen Children’s hospital. After 12 years in the acute sector, she worked as a community nurse within the health visiting team,  where her role included supporting parents/families, administering vaccines and health promotional activities. Later she moved into school nursing and worked in an independent school for several years before her recent relocation to Edinburgh. She joined the nursing team at healthlink360 in September 2024.

Jo Carnegie

Travel Nurse

Registered Nurse. Diploma of Higher Education in Nursing

Maddie joined HealthLink360 recently in 2022. She has worked in a number of different areas including Oncology/Haematology and has a special interest in travel medicine.

Maddie Guy

Travel Nurse

Bachelor of Nursing, RGN




Katrina is a GP who has worked in various practices across the Edinburgh and Midlothian regions. She has an interest in family planning and has previous experience working in Occupational Health. Katrina is now leading our medical team as Medical Co-ordinator.

Dr Katrina Catton

Medical Doctor /

Medical Team Coordinator


Carolyn completed GP training in 2005. She has worked in a variety of General Practice settings and out of hours services. She has a particular interest in paediatrics and family planning and is taking a key medical role in our on-line health screening for young adults embarking on short-term overseas placements.

Dr Carolyn Winney

Medical Doctor


Ewan is a GP at the University of Edinburgh student health centre. He has an interest in travel medicine and is a member of the RCPS(Glasg) Faculty of Travel Medicine. He has also recently been awarded fellowship of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

Ewan has a keen interest in overseas mission and has undertaken medical assessments for clients of HL360 since 2013.

Dr Ewan Clark

Medical Doctor


Emma is a GP in Edinburgh and has worked in various practices and out of hours services. She has an interest in Travel Medicine and completed the Diploma in Tropical Medicine & Hygiene in 2016.

Dr Emma Bain

Medical Doctor



Mental Health Team


Chris came to HealthLink360 in June 2014. Prior to this he worked in the NHS with a community mental health team. Chris is now Head of Psychological Services at HealthLink360. He has volunteering experience in Nigeria and Uganda and specializes in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Chris Dunkerley

Clinical Psychologist; Head of Psychological Services

BA(Hons), PGCE, Dip Psych, DClinPsy

Naomi is a Clinical Psychologist with 10 years clinical experience. Since qualifying Naomi has worked for the NHS in child and adolescent services in the North East, and then in both child and family services and adult mental health services in Lancashire. She is also an Associate Tutor for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Lancaster University and co-ordinates their mentoring scheme for trainee Clinical Psychologists.

Naomi Allen

Clinical Psychologist

BSc Psych (Hons), C.Psychol.

Originally a Veterinary Surgeon, Cynthia spent thirty years out of the UK in Africa, France and the USA, raising four children in different cultures. After years of involvement in pastoral care in churches, she retrained as a counsellor. This gives her the professional skill which, alongside her cross-cultural experience, enables her to understand and support those who use HealthLink360.

Cynthia Jeffries


BVSc, MRCVS, Certificate in Pastoral Care, Dip Counselling, COSCA Accredited

Gidget is a qualified integrative counsellor. She has been practicing since 2011, completed her qualification in Edinburgh. Born and educated in Singapore. She had worked for local and multi-international companies in Singapore and Hong Kong and was involved in mission work in Thailand before moving to the UK.

Gidget Wong


Dip Counselling, MCOSCA

Ian is a qualified counsellor and supervisor who recently joined HealthLink360 after providing pastoral care for cross-cultural workers in mission agencies and humanitarian aid NGOs around the world for many years.  He specialises in both psychological trauma and resilience building.

Ian Orton


BA(Hons); Dip.Counselling; MSc Psych.Trauma; PG Cert Supervision


Our Board

Anne was born in Edinburgh but moved down South aged 6. She joined the Civil Service after school and worked in a variety of roles in the Benefits Agency before moving to Whitehall where she joined the Department of Health. There she did a variety of policy jobs, worked as private secretary to two House of Lords ministers before discovering an aptitude for the business side - managing business plans, budget and HR.

She took early retirement in 2008 by which time she was living in Leeds - she always said she was half way home! She has been back in Edinburgh for 10 happy years and is a member of Ps & Gs church. Her passion is cooking and baking.

Anne Burnett


Dave qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1999 and has worked within financial services firms in Edinburgh since 2006. His current role is Finance Director within an asset manager. Prior to resettling in Scotland, Dave spent two years volunteering with a rural development organisation in India and worked for an NGO in East Timor.

Dave is an active member of his local church where he serves in vestry and the worship team where he plays electric guitar. Dave loves spending time with his family and tries to fit in hillwalking and triathlons when he gets a chance.

Dave Roberton


Dr Keith Russell, volunteered as a doctor for HealthLink360 and was our Medical Coordinator for 4 years up until 2021. Keith brought a huge wealth and depth of experience to the role, from a long career in General Practice, coupled with medical tutoring and overseas medical humanitarian work.

With his dynamic and forward- thinking attitude, he was instrumental in the development and continuous improvement of our medical services and a great mentor, and we are delighted he has agreed to continue to support us as a member of the board of trustees.

Dr. Keith Russell

Clinical Governance

I went to University in Glasgow then headed East for postgraduate training where I was a doctor for 34 years, 27 of them as a GP, first in East Lothian and then latterly in Edinburgh. I now volunteer with a charity in their bookshop and help with some events in the National Galleries.  I have been a member of Chalmers Church Edinburgh for many years and help with the children’s work each week.  I also help out with the catering, and even flower-arranging, for some of the church events.

Alison MacRae

I trained as a nurse many years ago. In 1987 I went to Thailand, short term and met Mike, my husband there.  We married in Scotland and returned to Thailand in 1990.  We were initially  sent by the Church of Scotland (and were one of the first C of S partners to insist on having our medicals at Carberry!)  We were in Thailand until 2012, for the last 7 years with Interserve.  Through all that time we attended Healthlink360 for all our medical care. 

I was in a leadership role with Interserve from 2006-2012. On our return to Scotland I was invited to become a member of the International Council for Interserve (governance) and was on the Council from 2014 until  early 2022. For the last 4 years I was the Chair. 

In July 2022 I started working for Interserve Great Britain and Ireland in their People Care department.  I am responsible for a number of mission partners both in the UK and across the world.  I’m also a 'regional connector' for Scotland, promoting missions and working with churches and individuals.  I am a part of Global Connections Scotland in this role.

I’m married to Mike, who is a Church of Scotland minister in Biggar, where I am involved in pastoral care, preaching and leadership. We have 2 adult daughters, Rachel and Aylie.  

Jane Fucella

Dr Michael E Jones

Founder and Consultant Advisor

MBChBFRCP (Edin, Glasg, Lond), FFFTM RCPS (Glasg), Dip PC

Elizabeth Jones

Founder and former Director of Psychological Services.

Our Founders

Mike and Elizabeth Jones founded HealthLink360 in 1983.

Elizabeth was the first Director of Psychological Services, gaining a Diploma in Pastoral Counselling at the University of Nottingham and an MPhil at Bangor University. Elizabeth spearheaded the development of psychological screening for candidates alongside a counselling and psychotherapy service.

As our Consultant Physician, Mike stepped back from clinical work at the end of 2018, but is now a Consultant Advisor. From 1976-1982 Mike was a Medical Specialist at Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, a teaching hospital in Tanzania.

His career in the field of Travel Health and Infectious Diseases includes: Consultant in Infectious Diseases at the Regional Infectious Diseases Unit, Western General, Edinburgh, Consultant in ID at the Spire Shawfair Park Hospital, Edinburgh, Dean of the Faculty of Travel Medicine at RCPS Glasgow 2012-15, advisor to the GP Newspaper Pulse on travel health from 1994 to 2020, Chair of the Psychological Health of Travellers Interest Group for the International Society for Travel Medicine (ISTM) 2014-17, Editor of the journal Tropical Doctor 1995-2002, and Associate Editor of Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 2015-18. He was appointed Secretary-Treasurer of the International Society of Travel Medicine in 2019 with a potential 6 year term.